

This term we will be finishing off measurement by looking at Volume, Capacity and Mass.
 We will then be spending most of our Maths lessons looking at Multiplication and Division. These are very important topics for students to understand and therefore we will be spending the rest of the term focusing on these. At the end of the year we revise - look at what we have learned and what we can remember!

Here are some links to help at home: 

Here are some students measuring the volume and capacity of various containers using different kinds of objects. The water activity was a very fun one!

Here are some links to help at home:

Here are some links to help at home:

Here are some links to help at home:


Postion/Direction/Location and Mapping.

Here are some links to help at home:

For Weeks 8/9/10 we will look at Symmetry/Lines/Tesselations.
Here are some links to help at home:

The students have loved the symmetry work this week. We have made butterflies, and some students even made their own notebook files to teach others about symmetry. This is Claudia's notebook file:

Mapping - Bird's Eye View
Room 1 have been looking at maps, directions, and bird's eye views of objects. In our focus group we worked together to make a bird's eye view of our classroom. Here are 2 of the groups views. It was very interesting to watch how the students worked together and what they created first, and how they overcome the problems they faced. Well done Room 1 for your persistence!

Maths Competition
Congratulations to Alex for winning the weekly school Maths Competition!
He answered all the questions himself, and even went out to dinner to celebrate!
Well done Alex.


For Weeks 3,4 and 5 we were covering different Measurement topics. Here are some examples of what we did inside and outside the classroom.

Measuring the perimetre of our bodies...

and then finding out the area of how many people can stand inside them...

and then recording the results.

Measuring lengths of our bodies with formal units:

Measuring different lengths with informal units:

Here are some Measurement Links for help at home:



Here are some students doing the coin rubbing activity.
They traced over the coins, and read information about what was significant about them.

Here are some website links to do with money:

This is a photo of the students using playdough to make fraction pieces!
Here are some websites to do with Fractions:

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