News and Information

Important Dates Term 4

* Week 9:

Monday 3rd December - St Francix Xavier's Feast Day (Mission Day) Liturgy in the hall at 2pm

Tuesday 4th December - Parents and Teachers End of Year Dinner (Golden Grove Tavern, 7:30pm)
Wednesday 5th December - End of year Mass (7pm, Xavier Hall, students wear school uniform).
Friday 7th December - End of year Reports distributed
Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday - Cristmas Craft

* Week 10:

Cristmas Craft/Movies/Games throughout the week
Thursday 15th December - Last Day of School - Whole School Assembly 2:30 (3:15 dismissal as Friday 16th December is a pupil free day).

 Father's Day Craft
The students have been making Father's Day pot planters that grow grass for hair for their dads. Due to our very gloomy weather the grass has not grown very much - so we are hoping we will see a lot more sun in the next few days...
Here are some of the faces!

Here are some of the fantastic paintings the students created. Beautiful pictures of their dads.

Year 2/3 Disco

The students had a blast at the Year 2/3 disco.
We have some very cool 'movers and shakers' in our class!

Charity Work

Room 1 helped donate to St Vincent de Paul’s Winter Appeal with cans of food.
Due to our smaller classroom instead of laying our outline of a body on the floor and covering it, students traced around the cans on the wall of the body image. 
Thank you to all the families who were able to contribute.

Hard of Hearing

Chelsea from CanDo:4 Kids is doing sessions with us to help us understand what it is like to be hard of hearing, and what sorts of things we can do to help these people who are affected. One task was to learn sign language, this is one of the sheets she gave us to practice:

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